We attend BIAZA Conference at Chester Zoo

We attend BIAZA Conservation Conference held in Chester Zoo

Conservation Officer Jack is passionate about sustainability and conservation, whether attending local community talks, events and projects – or ensuring that we as a business as doing what we can for native wildlife and habitat conservation as well as continuously improving our green key messaging.

The conservation conference took place in Chester Zoo

Jack recently attended the BIAZA Conservation Conference held in Chester Zoo, to liaise with other passionate conservationists and exchange ideas. He tells us how it all went;

“I was so pleased to attend this recent event in such a great location at Chester Zoo. I was able to listen to a mix of talks, whilst taking a tour to see all the facilities including the behind-the-scenes areas and the nature reserve. The conference allowed me to network and exchange ideas with different conservation officers.”

Jack went behind the scenes at Chester Zoo’s Nature Reserve

He continued;

“The speakers covered a diverse range of different topics, from breeding programmes to release programmes of extinct or endangered species, restoration of habitats, to rehabilitation and veterinary work. All talks were linked with a focus on native species.”

Guest speakers covered a diverse range of conservation topics

“I found it so inspirational to learn about the conservation work other zoos are able to achieve. I feel that some projects don’t get the exposure they deserve! The conference made me feel proud of the work that Folly Farm and other zoos do, and the difference conservation teams can make!”
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Zoo Membership

We're proud to be members of the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) and the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA). Our membership means we share knowledge with leading zoos across the UK and Europe, and we learn from them too.